On-demand public transit service within the City of Hollister
What is County Express On-Demand?
This is an on-demand, shared-ride, public transit service within the City of Hollister. Riders can book a trip through our app or call dispatch and ride in our ADA-accessible vehicles with our trained drivers at a fraction of the cost of traditional rideshare apps. From home to work to the store, or anywhere in between, GO County Express!
How does it work?
Get Picked Up
An estimated pick-up window will be provided. Travel by yourself or up to a group of four.
Pay Your Fare
Pay your driver via cash or Token Transit App.
See Fares below.
Enjoy Your Trip
Our service will take you anywhere within the City of Hollister. See Service Map.
How much does it cost?
Adults (18-64)
Adults (18-64)
– Youth (5-17)
– Seniors (65+)
– Persons with Disabilities
– Youth (5-17)
– Seniors (65+)
– Persons with Disabilities
Age 4 and under,
with paying passenger
Age 4 and under,
with paying passenger
Book a Ride
Download the Mobile App
or Call (831) 636-4161
Service Hours
Monday – Friday
6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is County Express On-Demand?
It is on-demand transit service within the City of Hollister in ADA-accessible vehicles. Below is a video on how to download the app:
Can I hop on at any time?
No, all trips require a reservation. You may book up to 1 hour in advance using the County Express On-Demand app (iPhone or Android) or by calling dispatch at (831) 636-4161. An estimated pick-up window will be provided.
Services hours are Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
How do I pay for my ride?
Pay cash to your driver at pick-up or use the Token Transit app for electronic fares. Drivers do not make change.
Can I travel with my spouse or a friend?
Yes, however, each person will need to pay their own fare.
When should I book my trip?
Book your trip up to 1 hour in advance using the County Express On-Demand app (iPhone or Android) or by calling dispatch at (831) 636-4161. An estimated pick-up window will be provided.
Services hours are Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
How does the County Express On-Demand App function?
See below for screenshots of the app available from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android).
Additionally, here is a video on how to use the app to book a trip:
If you need help using the app, call our dispatch at (831) 636-4161.
Why did my pick-up window change?
Pick-up windows may change depending on traffic conditions and availability. The time window you receive is an estimate and based on availability.
Service Map